AHL Managed Futures Strategy

A portion of fees charged to the R5 Class of the Fund has been waived since Fund inception. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown since inception.

A portion of fees charged to the Investor Class of the Fund has been waived since Fund inception. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown since inception.

A portion of fees charged to the Y Class of the Fund was waived from Fund inception through 2018, partially recovered in 2019, and waived in 2020 through 2022. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for periods when fees were waived.

A portion of fees charged to the A Class of the Fund was waived from Fund inception through 2018, partially recovered in 2019, and waived in 2020 through 2022. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for periods when fees were waived.

A portion of fees charged to the C Class of the Fund was waived from Fund inception through 2018, partially recovered in 2019, and waived in 2020 through 2022. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for periods when fees were waived.

AHL Multi-Alternatives Fund

A portion of fees charged to each class of the Fund has been waived since Fund inception. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown since inception.

AHL TargetRisk

A portion of fees charged to the R5 Class of the Fund has been waived since Fund inception. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown since inception.

A portion of fees charged to the Investor Class of the Fund was waived from Fund inception through 2020. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for periods when fees were waived.

A portion of fees charged to the Y Class of the Fund was waived from Fund inception through 2020 and from 2022 through 2023. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for periods when fees were waived.

A portion of fees charged to the A Class of the Fund was waived from Fund inception through 2020 and from 2022 through 2023. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for periods when fees were waived.

A portion of fees charged to the C Class of the Fund was waived from Fund inception through 2020 and from 2022 through 2023. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for periods when fees were waived.

ARK Transformational Innovation

A portion of fees charged to the R5 Class of the Fund has been waived since Fund inception. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown since inception.

A portion of fees charged to the Investor Class of the Fund has been waived since Fund inception. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown since inception.

A portion of fees charged to the Y Class of the Fund has been waived since Fund inception. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown since inception.

A portion of fees charged to the A Class of the Fund was waived from Fund inception through 2020 and in 2023. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for periods when fees were waived.

A portion of fees charged to the C Class of the Fund was waived from Fund inception through 2020 and in 2023. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for periods when fees were waived.

A portion of fees charged to the R6 Class of the Fund has been waived since Fund inception. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown since inception.


A portion of fees charged to the A Class of the Fund was waived in 2018. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than the actual returns shown for the five-year and ten-year periods.

A portion of fees charged to the C Class of the Fund was waived in 2018. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than the actual returns shown for the five-year and ten-year periods.

Developing World Income

A portion of fees charged to the R5 Class of the Fund was waived from Fund inception through 2015, partially recovered in 2016, waived in 2017 and 2018, and recovered in 2019 and 2020. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for when waivers were in effect.

A portion of fees charged to the Investor Class of the Fund was waived from Fund inception through 2015, partially recovered in 2016, waived in 2017, and recovered in 2018. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for when waivers were in effect.

A portion of fees charged to the Y Class of the Fund was waived from Fund inception through 2015, partially recovered in 2016, waived in 2017, and partially recovered in 2019. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for when waivers were in effect.

A portion of fees charged to the A Class of the Fund was waived from Fund inception through 2015, partially recovered in 2016, waived in 2017, and recovered from 2018 through 2020. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for when waivers were in effect.

A portion of fees charged to the C Class of the Fund was waived from Fund inception through 2017 and was partially recovered in 2018, and 2019. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for when waivers were in effect.

EAM International Small Cap

A portion of fees charged to the R5 Class of the Fund was waived since Class inception through 2023. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for when waivers were in effect.

A portion of fees charged to the Investor Class of the Fund was waived from Fund inception through 2019. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for inception through 2019.

FEAC Floating Rate Income Fund

A portion of fees charged to the R5 Class of Fund was waived from Fund inception through 2017, partially recovered in 2018 and 2019 and waived since 2021. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for periods when waivers were in effect.

A portion of fees charged to the Investor Class of Fund was waived from Fund inception through 2016 and fully recovered in 2017 and waived since 2021. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for periods when waivers were in effect.

A portion of fees charged to the Y Class of Fund was waived from Fund inception through 2016 and fully recovered in 2017 and waived since 2021. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for periods when waivers were in effect.

A portion of fees charged to the A Class of Fund was waived from Fund inception through 2016, and partially recovered in 2017 and 2018 and waived since 2021. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for periods when waivers were in effect.

A portion of fees charged to the C Class of Fund was waived from Fund inception through 2016, and partially recovered in 2017 and 2018 and waived since 2021. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for periods when waivers were in effect.

Garcia Hamilton Quality Bond

A portion of fees charged to each Class of the Fund has been waived since Fund inception. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown since inception.

International Equity

A portion of fees charged to the R5 Class of the Fund was waived from 2013 through 2015. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for 2013 through 2015.

A portion of fees charged to the R6 Class of the Fund has been waived since Fund inception. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown since inception.

Large Cap Value

A portion of fees charged to the C Class of the Fund was waived in 2018. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for 2018.

A portion of fees charged to the R6 Class of the Fund has been waived since Class inception to 2020. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for 2017 to 2020.

Man Large Cap Growth

A portion of fees charged to the R5 Class of the Fund has been waived since Fund inception. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for periods when fees were waived.

A portion of fees charged to the Investor Class of the Fund has been waived since Fund inception. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown since inception.

A portion of fees charged to the Y Class of the Fund has been waived since Fund inception. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown since inception.

A portion of fees charged to the A Class of the Fund was waived from Fund inception through 2018, partially recovered in 2019 and waived in 2020 through 2023. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown from inception through 2018 and in 2020 through 2023.

A portion of fees charged to the C Class of the Fund was waived from Fund inception through 2017, partially recovered in 2018 and 2019, and waived in 2020 through 2023. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown from inception through 2017 and in 2020 through 2023.

A portion of fees charged to the R6 Class of the Fund has been waived since Fund inception. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown since inception.

Man Large Cap Value

A portion of fees charged to the R5 Class of the Fund was waived through 2013, partially recovered in 2014, fully recovered in 2015 and waived in 2021. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for periods when fees were waived.

A portion of fees charged to the Y Class of the Fund was waived in 2012, partially recovered in 2013 and fully recovered in 2014 and waived in 2022. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for the ten-year period.

A portion of fees charged to the A Class of the Fund was waived in 2012 and 2013, fully recovered in 2014 and waived in 2021. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for periods when fees were waived.

A portion of fees charged to the C Class of the Fund was waived in 2012 and 2013, fully recovered in 2014 and waived in 2021. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for periods when fees were waived.

A portion of fees charged to the R6 Class of the Fund was waived in 2017. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for the five-year and ten-year periods.

NIS Core Plus Bond

A portion of fees charged to each Class of the Fund has been waived since Fund inception. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown since inception.

Shapiro Equity Opportunities

A portion of fees charged to each Class of the Fund has been waived since Fund inception. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown since inception.

Shapiro SMID Cap Equity

A portion of fees charged to each Class of the Fund has been waived since Fund inception. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown since inception.

SiM High Yield Opportunities

A portion of fees charged to the R5 Class of Fund was waived from Fund inception through 2018, partially recovered in 2019 and waived since 2020. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for periods when waivers were in effect.

A portion of fees charged to the Investor Class of Fund was waived in 2011 and 2012, partially recovered in 2013, fully recovered in 2016 and waived since 2021. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for periods when waivers were in effect.

A portion of fees charged to the Y Class of Fund was waived from 2011 through 2013, fully recovered in 2015, and waived in 2016 and since 2021. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for periods when waivers were in effect.

A portion of fees charged to the A Class of Fund was waived from 2011 through 2014, partially recovered in 2015, fully recovered in 2016 and waived since 2021. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for periods when waivers were in effect.

A portion of fees charged to the C Class of Fund was waived from 2011 through 2014, partially recovered in 2015, fully recovered in 2016 and waived since 2021. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for periods when waivers were in effect.

Small Cap Value

A portion of fees charged to the A Class of Fund was waived in 2013 and 2014 and fully recovered in 2015. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for 2013 and 2014.

A portion of fees charged to the C Class of Fund was waived in 2013, fully recovered in 2015, and waived in 2018. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for 2013 and 2018.

SSI Alternative Income Fund

A portion of fees charged to the R5 Class of the Fund has been waived since Class inception (May 17, 2019) to 2021 and in 2023. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown since inception.

A portion of fees charged to the Investor Class of the Fund was waived from Fund inception to 2014, recovered in 2015, and waived in 2016, 2019 through 2023. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for periods when fees were in effect.

A portion of fees charged to the Y Class of the Fund was waived from Fund inception to 2014, recovered in 2015, and waived in 2016, 2019 through 2023. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for periods when fees were in effect.

Stephens Mid-Cap Growth

A portion of fees charged to the R5 Class of the Fund was waived from Class inception (August 31, 2006) through 2023. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown.

A portion of fees charged to the Investor Class of the Fund was waived from 2007 through 2013, partially recovered in 2014, fully recovered in 2015, and waived in 2018, 2019 and 2023. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than the actual returns shown for periods when fees were waived.

A portion of fees charged to the Y Class of the Fund was waived in 2012 and 2013, partially recovered in 2014, fully recovered in 2015, and waived from 2017 through 2023. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than the actual returns shown in periods when fees were waived.

A portion of fees charged to the A Class of the Fund was waived in 2012 and 2013, fully recovered in 2015, waived in 2016 and 2018, partially recovered in 2019 and waived in 2020, 2021 and 2023. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than the actual returns shown in periods when fees were waived.

A portion of fees charged to the C Class of the Fund was waived from 2012 through 2014, fully recovered in 2015, waived in 2016 through 2018, partially recovered in 2019, and waived in 2020 to 2023. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for periods when fees were waived.

A portion of fees charged to the R6 Class of the Fund has been waived from Class inception through 2021 and in 2023. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown since inception.

Stephens Small Cap Growth

A portion of fees charged to the R5 Class of the Fund was waived from 2006 through 2013, fully recovered in 2014, and waived in 2020 to 2023. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for periods when fees were waived.

A portion of fees charged to the Investor Class of the Fund was waived from 2005 through 2013, fully recovered in 2014, waived in 2015, fully recovered in 2017, and waived in 2020 to 2023. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for periods when fees were waived.

A portion of fees charged to the Y Class of the Fund was waived in 2012 and 2013, fully recovered in 2014, and waived in 2020 to 2023. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for periods when fees were waived.

A portion of fees charged to the A Class of the Fund was waived in 2012, partially recovered in 2013 and 2014, fully recovered in 2015, and waived in 2020 to 2023. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for periods when fees were waived.

A portion of fees charged to the C Class of the Fund was waived in 2012, partially recovered in 2013 and 2014, fully recovered in 2015, and waived in 2019 to 2023. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for periods when fees were waived.

A portion of fees charged to the R6 Class of the Fund has been waived since Class inception. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown since inception.

The London Company Income Equity

A portion of fees charged to the R5 Class of the Fund was waived from 2012 through 2014, partially recovered in 2015, and fully recovered in 2016. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for 2012 through 2014.

A portion of fees charged to the Investor Class of the Fund was waived in 2012 and 2013 and fully recovered in 2014 and 2015. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for 2012 and 2013.

A portion of fees charged to the Y Class of the Fund was waived from 2012 through 2014 and fully recovered in 2015. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for 2012 through 2014.

A portion of fees charged to the A Class of the Fund was waived from 2012 through 2014 and fully recovered in 2015. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for 2012 through 2014.

A portion of fees charged to the C Class of the Fund was waived from 2012 through 2014 and fully recovered in 2015. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for 2012 through 2014.

A portion of fees charged to the R6 Class of the Fund has been waived since Class inception. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown since inception.

TwentyFour Strategic Income

A portion of fees charged to each Class of the Fund has been waived since Fund inception. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown since inception.

TwentyFour Sustainable Short Term Bond

A portion of fees charged to each Class of the Fund has been waived since Fund inception. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown since inception.

U.S. Government Money Market Select

A portion of fees charged to U.S. Government Money Market Select Fund was waived from Fund inception to 2014, partially recovered in 2016 and waived in 2021 and 2022. Performance prior to waiving fees was lower than actual returns shown for periods when waivers were in effect.